
Separation Procedures

Repatriation Shipment

Pension Fund




Local Support

Separation Procedures

These steps address paperwork and administrative tasks that you will need to complete before your separation date.



Separation Procedures


Repatriation Shipment


Pension Fund





Local Support (AFICS)


Please note that individual entitlements are dependent on one’s contractual status, duty station, duration of service and category. Staff should contact their human resources focal points about specific situations and entitlements.


Settle any outstanding obligations related to:

  • Salary advances
  • Education grant advances
  • Travel expense reports
  • Tax advances
  • Telephone bills
  • Loans from UN Credit Union or UN Benevolent Fund

You should settle any amounts by your separation date or these amounts will be deducted from your final emoluments.

You should determine if you have the correct beneficiary for your salary, allowances and commutation of leave. If not, you need to update the form(s) to designate your beneficiary.

Form P.2 Designation, Change, or Revocation of Beneficiary.

Contact: Your HR Partner (Who is my HR Partner?)

  • You should review the accuracy of your time record in Umoja ESS and report any discrepancies to your HR Partner (Who is my HR Partner?) or Senior Time Administrator.
  • Your accrued annual leave not utilized before the last working day may be paid with the final emoluments up to a maximum of 18 days if you hold a temporary appointment, or up to 60 days if you hold a fixed-term, continuing or permanent appointment, in accordance with Staff Rule 9.9.

For instructions on Umoja ESS time records, see this Umoja training guide.

Note: Repeat this step during your last week before separation if you go on any type of leave after you've first reviewed your timesheet.

  • You must submit all leave requests (annual leave, sick leave, etc.) in Umoja ESS well in advance of your separation so that your supervisor has time to review and approve the requests.
  • Please note that if you are separating upon resignation, and in order to facilitate separation and handover, you are expected to work during the period of notice to the extent possible. 

You should make any claims for unpaid entitlements or benefits prior to separation, related to:

  • Travel expense reports claim(s)
  • Education grant claim(s)
  • Rental subsidy claims(s)
  • Dependency allowance claim(s)*

*Any NEW dependents should be entered in Umoja ESS (see guides here).

Contact: Your HR Partner (Who is my HR Partner?)

See Staff Rule 3.17 concerning retroactivity of payments.

Please be aware that after retirement there may be delays in transitioning your current health insurance to the UN’s After-Service Health Insurance, therefore it is good to prepare medication in advance.
  • You are reminded to return UN property (uniforms, weapons, computers, mobile phones, library books, etc.).
  • Please return also your UN identity card/ID pass, and laissez-passer. (If you need to use the UNLP during your repatriation travel, kindly send it back to your office upon your arrival.)
  • Your final salary payment will be withheld pending return of all UN property items.
  • Note: HR Partners (Who is my HR Partner?) may certify your retiree status upon request so that you can be issued a retiree pass.

Return all UN property including:

  • Keys (Locksmith, B2-08A)
  • Card Access (Locksmith, B2-08A)
  • UN ID (Pass and ID Office, U-100, ext. 3-7533)
  • Laissez-passer (Visa Unit, FF-201, ext. 3-6292)
  • Corporate credit card (Executive Office)
  • Petty cash (Executive Office)
  • Laptop (Executive Office)
  • Mobile phone and/or pager (Executive Office)
  • UN Library books (UN Library)
  • UN Garage Parking Permit (Garage Administration Office, U-210)
  • Complete your final ePerformance document on Inspira.
  • If you are a supervisor, you must complete an ePerformance evaluation for all supervised staff. Failure to do so in a timely manner will result in delays in the processing of your final payment and pension benefits.

ePerformance User Guide

  • For staff with more than 5 years of contributory service, submit form PENS.E7.

For more information on the Pension Fund, visit the Pension Fund website.


  • Complete an exit interview by submitting Form P.18 to your Executive Office.

The Host Country (USUN or overseas US Consulates) do not cancel valid G-4/5 visas. A copy of a cancelled visa can therefore not be provided. Instead, separating staff must be informed that they may not use the G-4 visa to enter the US after separation, unless travel is for the purpose to resume duties with the Organization. More detailed information is available on iSeek and please email for further inquiries.

  • Please ensure you have provided your future contact details so that OHR can get in touch with you, especially in matters where your immediate response is necessary.
  • Please include a mailing address and a personal email address.
  • You are requested to provide banking instructions via Umoja ESS or through the Cashier’s Office for UN final payment if different from prior instructions.
  • In accordance with United Nations procedures, your final salary payment will be withheld pending the final settlement of your account, taking approximately 4-8 weeks after your Separation Personnel Action has been approved by the HR Partner.

UNOG Specific Pre-Retirement Information

Annual leave

Kindly ensure that the balance of annual leave reflects any days of leave that you intend to use before the date of separation.

In case of previous payment of annual leave, please refer to Staff Rule 4.17 (c). Adjustment may be required if you received a new appointment within twelve months of separation. The maximum number of days paid at the time of separation shall not exceed 60 days (as if the service had been continuous).

Status Report (P.84)

Please return this form duly completed to HRMS.

UN Joint Staff Pension Fund

Please complete and transmit the enclosed form (Select appropriate form according to your length of service) to the UNJSPF Geneva Office (located at “Du Pont de Nemours Building, Chemin du Pavillon 2, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland”) Their mailing address (including pouch) is the “United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund c/o Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10”, tel. + 41 (0) 22 928 8800, fax + 41 (0) 22 928 90 99. They may also be contacted by e-mail at

Payment of your pension benefits are made separately, once the final Pay is disbursed by the Payroll Unit, it is important, however, that you appreciate that the FRMS cannot send your separation notification to the Pension Fund Office until all the formalities mentioned herewith have been completed and processed.


Health/Life Insurance

In order to obtain information on after-service medical insurance, kindly contact office PN 26-1, + 41 (0) 22 9171371. Please note that your insurance card is needed for either extending or discontinuing your coverage.

Exit Medical evaluation

In accordance with ST/AI/2011/3, the exit medical evaluation at the time of separation is not required. However, if you wish, you may contact the Secretariat of the Medical Services Section: +41 (0) 22 917 2520, Lab: +41 (0) 22 917 2836, in order to obtain a medical appointment.

Repatriation Travel and Shipment entitlements

Your attention is drawn to the fact that you have two years after your separation, for the repatriation travel and your shipment entitlement. In this respect, and for fuller details, please refer to ST/AI/2013/3 on Official Travel and ST/AI/2006/5 on Excess baggage, shipments and insurance (a “Relocation Grant” – the lump-sum option in lieu of unaccompanied shipments is available). Please ensure that you process your Travel through Umoja ESS.

Repatriation grant

In accordance with ST/AI/2000/5, the repatriation grant for service after 1 July 1979 is payable upon providing documentary evidence that you have established residence in a country other than that of the last duty station. The original document about the relocation should be submitted within two years of the effective date of separation.


We draw your attention to the responsibilities of staff members set out in ST/SGB/2007/5 para. 3, that all records, including electronic records and e-mails, created in connection with or as a result of the official work of the United Nations, are the property of the United Nations. In that context, please be sure that the rules and procedures regarding record-keeping and archives management have been fully respected.

Exit Questionnaire

You are encouraged to complete online the Exit Questionnaire. It can be accessed through this link and is easy and quick to complete. It is an important tool, which provides useful information for further analysis.

CD Plates Senior officials of the United Nations in possession of one or more registered vehicles with diplomatic plates (CD) are required to return the plates issued in Geneva to the General Directory of Vehicles, Service of Automobiles in Geneva canton, within three months from the end of their appointment. Senior officials who are leaving Switzerland, are allowed for reasons of convenience, to hand over the CD plates to the Swiss Representation (Embassy or Consulate) in charge of their country of destination. In this case, the same period of three months applies. Failure to do so will result in a record in the Swiss registry of searched persons and vehicles, which will expose the concerned individual to difficulties in their future entries at the Swiss borders. Time allowed for return of CD plates issued by other Cantons may vary, so you are kindly requested to contact directly the Service of Automobiles which has issued your CD plates.

Dear Colleague,

We write to you in respect of your forthcoming separation. To facilitate this, please find below a copy of Office Instruction Geneva/OI/129/Rev.2, and various administrative forms which should be completed and returned to the offices indicated below. Your Administrative Assistant will be pleased to assist you with your final clearance. Please make sure to indicate your future mailing address and kindly ensure that the balance of annual leave reflects any days of leave that you intend to take until the date of separation. 

Status Report (P.84)

Please return these forms duly completed to HRMS - UNOG.

UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (six months contract and above)

Please complete and transmit the enclosed form (Select appropriate form according to your length of service) to the UNJSPF Geneva Office (located at “Du Pont de Nemours Building, Chemin du Pavillon 2, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland”).  Their mailing address (including pouch) is the “United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund c/o Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10”, tel. + 41 (0) 22 928 8800, fax + 41 (0) 22 928 90 99.  They may also be contacted by e-mail at Payment of your pension benefits are made separately, once the final Pay is disbursed by the Payroll Unit, it is important, however, that you appreciate that the FRMS cannot send your separation notification to the Pension Fund Office until all the formalities mentioned herewith have been completed and processed.

Health/Life Insurance

In order to obtain information on after-service medical insurance, kindly contact office PN 26-1, + 41 (0) 22 9171371. Please note that your insurance card is needed for either extending or discontinuing your coverage.

Exit Medical evaluation

In accordance with ST/AI/2011/3, the exit medical evaluation at the time of separation is not required.  However, if you wish, you may contact the Secretariat of the Medical Services Section: +41 (0) 22 917 2520, Lab: +41 (0) 22 917 2836, in order to obtain a medical appointment.


We draw your attention to the responsibilities of staff members set out in ST/SGB/2007/5 para. 3, that all records, including electronic records and e-mails, created in connection with or as a result of the official work of the United Nations, are the property of the United Nations. In that context, please be sure that the rules and procedures regarding record-keeping and archives management have been fully respected.

Exit Questionnaire 

You are encouraged to complete online the Exit Questionnaire. It can be accessed through this link and is easy and quick to complete. It is an important tool, which provides useful information for statistical analysis.