TaxationRetiring staff should consult their local HR Office and a qualified tax professional for advice on taxation. You can also try contacting the local branch of the Association of Former International Civil Servants (AFICS). AFICS organizations are listed here.
Please note that individual entitlements are dependent on one’s contractual status, duty station, duration of service and category. Staff should contact their human resources focal points about specific situations and entitlements.
Whether UNJSPF pension benefit is subject to tax depends on the TAX STATUS OF THE RECIPIENT.
Be sure to inform your tax professional that the UNJSPF is a "qualified" employee pension plan under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. This means that benefits are taxed like those of any other qualified plan, with the exception that benefits are treated as "non-US source income" such that those who are "non-US residents" at the time of the receipt of a benefit are not subject to US taxes. US Department of Labor Information on Retirement Plans and ERISA Taxing may differ depending on whether you've chosen a Periodic or Lump-sum Pension Distribution. PERIODIC DISTRIBUTIONS:
Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income If you are eligible for tax reimbursement from the Organization on lump-sum distributions, liaise with the Tax Unit of OPPBA
Contact: TAXATION IN FRANCE: Imposition en France des personnes physiques - Séminaire ONU depréparation à la retraite (12/10/2016) TAXATION IN SWITZERLAND: |