To bring the best possible staff into your team, you need to be familiar with the process for recruiting and selecting staff members and other types of personnel. Here you will find information and how-to resources on the manager's responsibilities. Implementing the policies and procedures can be complex--make use of the help available from your HR practitioners.
Manager ‘musts’ in recruitment and hiring You and everyone who will be on an interview panel must complete the Competency-based Interviewing course before you can take part. You can sign up online and complete it at your own pace. There is also a version for senior managers; search for LMS-1057.
Q: What are the staffing targets in the Senior Managers Compacts? Q: What is geographical distribution? Q: How can I improve gender representation? |
Types of appointments
Know the types of appointments offered in the UN (temporary, fixed term, continuing)
Manager’s role in contract renewal
Understand your role and the procedures by consulting the administrative/executive office in your department/office.
Understand UN job classification, the structure of your department, and planning staffing needs
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- Job classification aims to set fair and equitable remuneration by applying standards uniformly and consistently in keeping with the principles of equal pay for work of equal value, and relative worth of the work performed. It ensures consistency between the actual duties and responsibilities of a post and the grade allocated.
- The job classification method organizes levels of responsibility in a particular order, grouping together similar or comparable jobs according to the functions to be performed and related skills, knowledge or experience required to accomplish these functions.
- Organizations of the United Nations common system classify posts in accordance with the standards established by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) for posts in the Professional category and at the D-1 and D-2 levels and for posts in the General Service and related categories at the duty station concerned, and in accordance with the classification standards approved by the Secretary-General for posts in the Field Service category, and in the Security Service category at Headquarters.
- Staffing tables which describe the valid and available classified posts approved in the budget are maintained in the executive or administrative office of each department or office. Managers should consult with their senior managers about the availability of posts and the status of each post to plan staffing needs.
- There can be considerations of part-time employment in some situations. Discuss this option with your HR/administrative/executive office should you or a staff member have an interest in such an arrangement.
Conduct a recruitment process
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- Learn about the staff selection system, the competitive process through which most staff members at the United Nations are selected, and the critical roles and responsibilities of hiring managers and heads of department in the process.
- Refer to the At-a-Glance guidance materials under the ‘manual’ link in your inspira account (how to create a job opening; formula for creating a job posting; building meaningful assessment exercises; and evaluating applicants). You may also refer to the Manual for Hiring Manager to get details with the underpinning rationale for the process and best practice tips.
- Refer to the guidance materials under the 'Manuals' link in the 'Help' tile of your Inspira homepage to get access to the iManual on Staff Selection System and specific QuickStart guides.
- Be familiar with recruitment conducted through competitive examinations for the young professionals program (YPP) and certain other posts.
Staff Selection System FAQs
Q. What are the main steps in the staffing process?
A. You can see the process at a glance here
Q. What roles and responsibilities do managers and senior leaders have in the staff selection system?
A. When seeking to fill a vacancy in your office or if you are managing an occupational group, you are responsible for creating a job opening, evaluating applicants, and preparing a reasoned and documented record of the evaluation of the proposed candidates against the applicable evaluation criteria. Heads of department/office/mission have the authority to make selection decisions for positions up to and including the D-1 level, based on the recommendation of the hiring and/or occupational group manager and after review by the central review body.
Heads of department/office have the authority to transfer staff to job openings at the same level within their departments/offices without advertising the position or review by a central review body. Heads of mission have the same authority under conditions established by the Department of Field Service. This authority must be carried out in consultation with the staff member concerned, as well as the releasing and receiving offices. The decision must be made in good faith, transparent and in the best interests of the department/office.
Q. The staff recruitment process takes a long time. Is there not a faster method?
A. For speedier recruitment, you may select a candidate from a pre-approved roster, a pool of assessed candidates that have been reviewed and endorsed by a central review body and who are available for selection against a vacant position. There is also an expedited process for temporary positions (i.e. when there is an opening for less than one year due to, for example, maternity leave or need for urgent assistance).
Q. I know a great person with whom I’d like to work. Can I hire him/her?
A: Yes if the person proves to be the best candidate for the position through the competitive process. The best candidate must be determined through an open and transparent process that follows the staff selection procedures, and in which candidates meet the academic and professional experience requirements and compete with other eligible candidates. The person may not be a member of your immediate family. You must disclose your relationship with any candidate when the applicant names are first forwarded to the department/office for review to avoid any perceived or actual conflict of interest.
Conduct the evaluation and selection proces
Refer to the guidance materials under the ‘Manuals’ link in the 'Help' tile of your Inspira homepage to get access to the iManual on Staff Selection System and specific QuickStart guides.
Manager’s role in new staff induction
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- Managers should be aware of how new staff members receive information about the Organization before and after they join.
- While based on the same templates, induction processes may vary by duty station. In general, before joining, new staff receive an offer letter from the Organization and it is usually accompanied by some induction information.
- On a staff member's first day, they usually meet with an HR officer and receive additional information related to their specific office.
- It's also important for managers to welcome new staff to their teams. To find some tips on how to do this, go to the Welcome new staff to your team section on this page.
FAQs: Hiring consultants and contractors, UN Volunteers, Interns, Associate Experts, JPOs
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Q. When may I use the services of a consultant or an individual contractor?
A. Consultants are engaged in an advisory or consultative capacity when programmes have a need for special skills or knowledge not normally possessed by regular staff and for which there is no continuing need. These specialist functions are result-oriented and normally involve analysing problems, facilitating seminars or training courses, preparing documents for conferences and meetings or writing reports. An individual contractor provides expertise, skills or knowledge for a specific task or piece of work that is short term in nature, and the assignment may involve functions similar to those of staff members, such as provision of translation, editing, public information, or secretarial services. For more information consult ST/AI/2013/4.
Q. How do I hire a consultant or an individual contractor?
A. The hiring process is managed locally. Contact your administrative/executive/HR office. You are responsible for developing the terms of reference of the work to be performed by the consultant or individual contractor and the outputs expected, as well as submitting the terms to your executive/administrative/HR office.
Q. Can a retired or former staff member be hired as a consultant or individual contractor?
A. Within certain guidelines and restrictions, yes. Briefly, there must be at least a one-month break between separation or retirement of the former or retired staff member and reengagement on an individual contract, unless the separation was on mutually agreed terms, in which case the former staff member may be reengaged on an individual contract only after a period of 36 months from the date of separation from service; the individual cannot be reengaged to perform the functions of the same post from which he or she separated or contracted to encumber the position from which he or she separated; and the former staff member must have separated from the organization on satisfactory terms. Other conditions also apply and there are limits on the fees to be paid. Refer to ST/AI/2013/4, Consultants and individual contractors for the details, and talk with your HR officer.
Q. How do I hire an intern?
A. The internship programme may be offered at any duty station of the Secretariat designated as a family duty station, and is managed locally. Contact your executive/administrative/HR office if you are interested in the services of an intern.
Q. What are the manager’s responsibilities and obligations towards interns?
A. The manager should create a working environment conducive to the interns’ substantive learning and professional development; ensure that an intern’s assignment is at the appropriate level of complexity and variety; prepare the terms of reference describing the tasks; and provide constructive performance feedback to the intern. Interns cannot undertake official travel on behalf of the United Nations. They may be permitted to travel in a UN vehicle with a signed liability waiver. For more information consult ST/AI/2014/1.
Manager’s role in the administration of leave, allowances and benefits
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You are expected to authorize leave and other benefits for your staff members.
> Go to the Work + Life page on the HR Portal for information on different types of leave and other benefits.
Every Factsheet explains the policy governing the benefit as well as the how-to for staff and manager. The Factsheets will guide you and the staff member in planning leaves; some situations have defined timeframes that must be respected (such as maternity leave, paternity leave, rest and recuperation break at certain duty stations). As duty stations come on-line with Umoja for HR, managers will learn how to authorize leaves and other benefits using the Umoja tool.
Using flexible working arrangements
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Members of your team may ask you to consider flexible working arrangements. This is your decision to make, and with delivery of the work as a primary concern, you are encouraged to consider the manner in which the work is currently performed and how it could be done in a different way, perhaps even more productively. Be reasonable and reflective in considering the options. Certain types of flexible working arrangements may not be possible for some jobs. Similarly, demands and requirements may lead to suspension of flexible working arrangements at certain periods.
>Go to the flexible working arrangements options for more details.