If your duty station does not have Umoja yet, please consult your Executive Office or local HR Office about how to claim a new benefit. 

If your duty stations does have Umoja, you will be asked to provide information in the tool and in some cases to upload documents. Depending on the benefit or allowance, the HR Partners and/or your manager will carry out certain parts of the process.

Step 1

You apply for a benefit or allowance for the first time when a life or work event occurs that triggers a change in your personal profile or work situation.

>Open the Work + Life Events page

Step two

Review the HR Factsheets related to the benefit or allowance you are applying for.
There can be more than one HR Factsheet related to your work or life event, and they are linked to each other.

>Open the full list of HR Factsheet topics

Step three Follow the instructions in the HR Factsheet to take offline steps.
Most transactions will require you to first prepare supporting documentation that you will scan and upload with your request. For a few benefits or allowances the HR Partner will handle the full transaction and you will receive notification that it has been done.

Step four

Follow the instructions in the HR Factsheet to apply/make a request for an allowance or benefit in the Umoja system.

  1. You enter the information specific to your request or claim and upload the scanned documentation. You have responsibility for ensuring the accuracy of the information in the transactions.
  2. The Umoja system will perform some validations at the time you enter information, to check that you can apply for the benefit you are requesting, and that you have not left out any required information. 
  3. In some transactions your request will be sent by Umoja to your manager for approval. Your HR Partner will monitor and approve the transactions.
  4. You receive email notifications from the system to let you know the status of your request.