Staff members of the United Nations are provided with various benefits and allowances as part of their conditions of service. The terms and conditions under which benefits and allowances are available to staff members are established by the Secretary-General in accordance with the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules. Your package of benefits and allowances is determined from the various factors that apply to your recruitment, personal profile and life events, and the details and work events related to your assignment with the UN. Some benefits and allowances of the common system apply to all staff members, and other benefits are based on your category and/or expatriation status. Please note that the information contained in these pages is subject to the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules as well as administrative issuances. Work + Life Event All staff members provide and keep up-to-date their personal information and the details on changes in life events and work events, and this information has an impact on your personal profile – salary rate and the allowances and other benefits that apply to you. Use the information here to understand what the work and life events are, and when and how to make updates and claims. > Work & Life Events Factsheet What are Work Events? Work events are changes or actions affecting your employment situation with the Organization connected to:
HR Factsheets give details on various benefits associated with Work Events. Until your duty station is included in the Umoja roll out for HR, proceed to request benefits according to the process in place in your duty station. Your local HR Partners can assist you.
Life events are changes in your personal situation that affect benefits and allowances related to:
Life Events Find the HR Factsheets for topics about adding or changing a household member, adding or changing a beneficiary, change in spousal coverage, birth, adoption or adding a child, change in marital Status, death of a dependent. HR Factsheets give details on various benefits associated with Life Events. Until your duty station is included in the Umoja roll out for HR, proceed to request benefits according to the process in place in your duty station. Your local HR Partners can assist you.