Welcome to Nairobi

We welcome you to the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON), the UN headquarters in Africa. 

"Cooperating in this effort are more than 4,500 staff in over 100 different offices of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, as well as the UN Secretariat, who operate from the UN Gigiri complex in Nairobi. This includes two United Nations Programmes – the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) – which have their global headquarters in Kenya, making Nairobi the only United Nations headquarters duty station in Africa, and indeed in the entire Global South." – Director-General of UNON, Zainab Hawa Bangura (Mrs).



UNON’s Human Resources Management Services (HRMS) aims to excel in HR Service Delivery. 

Our mission is to provide high quality, efficient and effective Human resources management services to UNON, UNEP, UN-HABITAT and other Nairobi-based clients with a view to contributing to the attainment of their business goals. To this end, HRMS will give priority to:

  • Communicating and providing guidance and advice on human resources management policies and practices to staff and management while promoting an organizational culture that fosters a climate of mutual understanding and collaboration.

  • Partnering with client offices on developing staffing plans and implementing related recruitment activities in line with the UN human resources policy.

  • Administering contracts and salary related entitlements, allowances and benefits while ensuring consistency and transparency in the application of relevant policies

  • Providing continuous learning opportunities with a view to building a versatile and multi-skilled workforce and promoting career development for staff.

  • Providing occupational health services with emphasis on preventive health care and emergency response

  • Advocating and promoting policies and practices that support Work/life balance and staff well-being including telecommuting, flexitime, part-time work, compressed workweek and other related activities.

  • Leveraging information technology by streamlining and automating paper-based processes as a vehicle for change, efficiency gains and improvement of service delivery.

Important documents: