2016 - 2021 Combined Continuing Appointment Exercise is designated for the review of staff members who may be eligible for a continuing appointment as of 1 July 2021.

The Continuing Appointment Review Exercise will begin on 15 February 2023.

Staff members who became potentially eligible for a continuing appointment prior to and as of 1 July 2021 will receive an email from inspira on the date of the start of the exercise.

- Staff members who believe they would have been eligible for a continuing appointment prior to 1 July 2021 and wish to be considered for the review must complete the required checklist in inspira and provide appropriate documentation, if necessary, by 10 March 2023. 

-  The checklist will only be available from 15 February 2023 to 10 March 2023.  - To access the checklist please log into inspira with your staff ID, navigate to Main Menu > My Career > My Continuing Appointment > Continuing Appointment dashboard. - For assistance, please see the Inspira Guide for completing the checklist/requesting consideration.

- The number of possible continuing appointments is based on the ‘post envelope’ for the P/FS category and for the GS/related categories.

- The post envelopes for the years 2016 to 2021 have been calculated in accordance with ST/SGB/2011/9.

- The first phase of the continuing appointment exercise will review staff members to determine if and when they became eligible for a continuing appointment.

- The second phase of the exercise will take into account the number of available appointments each year.

- Eligible staff members for each year will be allocated points and ranked in accordance with ST/AI/2012/3. The number of available appointments will be awarded to the highest-ranking staff members for each year.


If you have additional questions, please check the FAQs on Staff Member Eligibility. Staff members who have specific questions regarding continuing appointments should contact their respective human resources partners or local human resource office in line with established local communication channels.

Timeline of 2016 – 2021 Continuing Appointment Review Exercise