Article Announcement

'United to Reform': Prepare to Succeed

Many of us began 2019 facing a change: a new department, new job, new colleagues, and new tasks.

Our challenge is to not only adjust to this change, but to do better.  How can each of us support the transformation needed for the United Nations of the future?

To help you look forward and succeed, the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) launched the United to Reform – Learning Strategy to enable staff to embrace and support the Secretary-General’s “United to Reform” initiatives

UN System Workplace Mental Health and Well-being Strategy

UN System Workplace Mental Health and Well-being Strategy

The launch by the Secretary-General of the UN Staff Mental Health Strategy brings us a major opportunity to send the strongest message to staff that your well-being is of the utmost importance, to unite, to role-model best practice in employee well-being, and to translate this momentum into action. 

With the Strategy providing an umbrella for the UN’s work on the mental health and well-being of its personnel, one of the first new actions is the start of a campaign to reduce stigma and start dialogue.