Frequently Asked Questions

How is performance management linked to development in inspira?

One of the new features of performance management is that it will link to staff development and learning management to allow for better career planning. The improved learning management system in Inspira will make it easier to enroll, track and keep records of learning programmes, including the mandatory courses in which you have you have participated. Moreover, the skills portal provides anytime, anywhere access to online learning programmes.

Is the second reporting officer required to make comments in my e-Performance document?

The second reporting officer is not required to make comments on the e-Performance/e-PAS document. The role of the second reporting officer is to ensure that the evaluation is completed in a timely manner and that it is fair (i.e. there is consistency between competency ratings, value ratings, comments, and the overall rating). The second reporting officer’s approval, without comments, is an endorsement of the first reporting officer’s evaluation of the staff member.

How soon are candidates selected for a position expected to take up their new functions?

Staff members should be released as soon as possible and no later than one month after the date on which the releasing office is notified of the selection decision, if the move is within the same duty station.  If the new position is in another duty station, including  peacekeeping or special political missions, then the release shall be no later than two months. Please refer to ST/AI/2010/3  for more information.

If I become sick while on annual leave, how should this be reported and subsequently recorded for time and attendance purposes?

Sick leave during annual leave may be approved if a staff member is ill for more than five consecutive working days (not including weekends or holidays), in any seven day period while on annual leave, including home leave, provided that the sick leave is certified. If the illness does not cover at least five consecutive working days, the entire duration of absence is considered annual leave.

What are my chances of actually getting a Professional job if I pass the YPP examination?

If you pass the YPP examination, you will most likely be offered a job. The number of candidates that pass is closely linked to the positions that are projected to become available. Each year, only the number of candidates that match the projected vacancies plus 10 % is passed. Consequently, passing the examination does not guarantee a job but is likely. Offers are made quarterly to successful candidates and are subject to the requirements of the Organization.

When do staff require medical clearance? Specifically, when is a medical examination required, especially for those staff working in a field mission?

Medical clearance is required for initial appointment and for travel purposes normally every two years. In addition to travel, to maintain medical clearance for the purposes of transfer and/or, reassignment travel medical evaluation will be required every two years, irrespective of age.