Frequently Asked Questions

I work in a family duty station but my family cannot join me here for various reasons. Am I eligible to receive the non-family hardship allowance?

No. Only eligible staff assigned to duty stations with non-family designation receive the new hardship allowance. When a staff member is assigned to a family duty station, the organization has not restricted travel of family and thus this is the personal choice of the staff member. In cases where the family does not join, the staff member may avail of Family Visit travel.

Regarding the non-family hardship allowance, why does single staff get less than staff with dependents (single staff get only half of the applicable single rate of the hardship allowance in a category “E” duty station)?

This is in recognition of the fact that a single staff member has less liabilities in maintaining a second household.

How much is the non-family hardship allowance?

The non-family hardship allowance is equivalent to the applicable dependency rate of hardship allowance in a category “E” duty station for staff with dependents, and half of the applicable single rate of the hardship allowance in a category “E” duty station for staff paid at the single rate. As is the case with the mobility and hardship allowances, the amount of the non-family hardship allowance will vary depending on dependency status and grade level.


I am in a duty station that has just become a family duty station. As a new mother, am I entitled to breaks to breastfeed my baby? I know that national staff have this right, but do internationally-recruited staff too?

The Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2003/14 details the Secretariat-wide policy, it applies to all nursing mothers of infants under one year of age and is not linked to national staff status. It is one of the rather straightforward policies, though local conditions in terms of facilities (“pump-room”, cold storage, etc.) may vary outside HQ and Offices away from HQ (UNON, UNOV, UNOG) and Regional Commissions).

If I serve in a field mission and if my duty station becomes a family duty station, my family will join me. My question is why is the lump sum, in lieu of shipment, only $5,000 and not $15,000 which is the lump-sum at a dependent rate?

The amount of the relocation grant, which is in lieu of shipment of personal effects, is linked to the travel of the family members. As only family members are being authorized to travel to the duty station join the staff member, that portion of the relocation grant relating to family members is payable.

I serve in a field mission and my duty station is expected to become a family duty station but I don’t think the conditions at my current duty station are suitable for young children. Can my family be paid to travel to another duty station?

Travel of family members in connection with a staff member’s appointment or assignment can be made only to the duty station that the staff member is assigned to, as the purpose of the travel to for the family to reside with the staff member at the duty station of assignment. However, children attending school outside of the duty station may be eligible for education grant travel.

I am serving in a non-family duty station. Am I eligible to get travel paid for my family to go to a closer place than my home country? There is, for instance, a duty station within my mission that will become a family duty station.

Entitlements are based on the duty station where the staff member is assigned. As you are assigned to a non-family duty station, there is no entitlement to travel of your family members to the duty station or an alternative location. However, you are entitled to the non-family hardship allowance, which compensates for the added financial burden and psychological hardship of being separated from your family members.

My duty station was a non-family duty station but is becoming a family duty station. What are my entitlements for moving my family?

Where a non-family mission location is designated as a family duty station internationally-recruited staff members with eligible dependents (i.e. a spouse and dependent children who would normally reside with the staff member when not serving in a non-family duty station) are eligible for travel related entitlements for family members. These include:

Initial travel of eligible family members to the duty station,