Frequently Asked Questions

I am in the Education and Work Experience section. How do I add several Work Experiences?

If you have multiple work experiences, you use the +Add Work Experience link on the Complete Application page to continue adding your work experiences until you have added them all. Use the “Save” button to save your entry and return to the main “Education and Work Experience” section of your Application (the page says Complete Application on top). Each entry for Work Experience has to be fully completed and saved in one session. You will not be able to save an incomplete entry for work experience.

Do I have to fill out the whole application at once or can I pause and then come back to work on it later?

It is possible to complete the application in several sessions. However, within the application, individual sections have to be finished in one single session in order for the system to save your entries. In other words, you cannot pause and save in the middle of a section without having completed the required fields.
It is recommended that you hit “Save” regularly, ideally after completing all the mandatory fields within a section.
The system times out after 60 minutes, which means you lose any data you entered since the last time you clicked “Save”.

I am looking for a job. Which website do I use to see all the available vacancies in the UN Secretariat?

All job openings in the UN Secretariat are published on the Careers Portal (, in English and French. Depending on your preference you may switch between languages at the main home page by clicking on the link available in the top right hand corner. The languages are listed as “EN” for English or “FR” for French.
The human resources management IT system, inspira, is replacing a number of the HR systems including Galaxy. However, the transition from Galaxy to inspira is gradual, which means that there will be a period when the two systems run in parallel.

I want to apply to a job that is posted in Galaxy. Which system do I use now, inspira or Galaxy?

When you apply to a job in inspira you should fill out and submit your application in inspira. When you apply to a job in Galaxy you should fill out your PHP and submit it in Galaxy. Jobs posted in inspira are processed in inspira; jobs posted in Galaxy are processed in Galaxy. However, all job openings are published on the Careers Portal ( and when you apply for a job you will automatically be directed to the appropriate system.

How do I know if I have been placed on the roster?

Following the endorsement of a central review body, candidates who are placed on a roster are informed in an e-mail of such placement after the selection decision has been made(for position specific job openings), or following the endorsement of the central review body (for generic job openings).
Candidates can see the rosters they are on in inspira. Candidates can view their roster membership on the inspira landing page, under “My Career Tools”.

I have two inspira accounts, one is from when I was an external candidate which includes my rostered details and the second is the account I opened as an internal candidate with my index number. Which account should I use to apply for job openings?

For now, staff members are advised to apply with the account which is associated with the roster. If you apply with an external account, please ensure your index number and active staff status is included in your application. This will inform the hiring manager that you are a current staff member. If you want to confirm that your application has been submitted properly, please click on the “Contact us” link on the upper right side of the inspira screen, explain your situation, and request confirmation that your application has been submitted.

I am applying for a job opening. The deadline states the application is due on a particular date. As we are a worldwide Organization, which time zone determines the date and time of the deadline?

Inspira uses GMT-5 which is five hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time. Job openings are taken offline at midnight (GMT-5) on the specified closing date.
You are encouraged to apply well before the deadline. Staff should be mindful that hiring offices and departments may start reviewing the applications during the posting period.