Performing for Results


To bring the best possible staff into your team, you need to be familiar with the process for recruiting and selecting staff members and other types of personnel. Here you will find information and how-to resources on the manager's responsibilities. Implementing the policies and procedures can be complex--make use of the help available from your HR practitioners.


Change is continuous in UN work. Managers are expected to lead changes that strengthen programmes and processes, as well as respond respectively to new circumstances that arise. Your team depends on that leadership for smooth transitions and flexible approaches. Here you will land resources to assist you.

   Manager’s role in driving change


Productivity and results are possible when information is flowing freely among your team members and when good working relationships are built with other teams. Here you will find suggestions for managing communication through your leadership in meetings and your relationships across the Organization.

Chairing meetings 



UN leaders serve as role models that other people want to follow; they empower others to translate vision into results; proactively develop strategies to accomplish objectives; and establish and maintain relationships with a broad range of stakeholders. Here you will find resources about strategic leadership and using yourself effectively as a leader.

Formulating a vision and strategic direction for a UN Department/Office