Frequently Asked Questions

Is a withdrawal settlement different from a lump-sum payment?

Yes, a withdrawal settlement is different from a lump-sum. A withdrawal settlement extinguishes all other rights to any other future benefits.

Any retiree who elects to receive a benefit under Article 28 (Retirement benefit) or Article 29 (Early Retirement Benefit) has an option to partially commute their benefit into a lump-sum up to a maximum of 1/3 the actuarial equivalent of such benefit to be paid upon separation from service and the balance to be paid as a reduced monthly pension.


If I separate at the age of 63 and my normal retirement age (NRA) for pension purposes is 60/62 years, would I be eligible to a withdrawal settlement?

In accordance with article 31 of the UNJSPF Regulations, a withdrawal settlement is only payable to a participant whose age on separation is less than the normal retirement age (NRA), or if the participant is the normal retirement age or more on separation but is not entitled to a retirement benefit. Simply, you would be entitled to a withdrawal settlement if you are not entitled to a retirement benefit at the age of 60/62  when your contributory service was less than five years.

What is a withdrawal settlement?

In accordance with article 31 of the UNJSPF Regulations, a withdrawal settlement is payable to a participant whose age on separation is less than the normal retirement age (NRA), or if the participant is the normal retirement age or more on separation but is not entitled to a retirement benefit.

The withdrawal settlement consists of:

Can I be rehired on a temporary appointment (TA) after separating at 60/62 on retirement, or at 55/58 on early retirement if I am still under 65 years of age?

Staff members who have retired from the Organization are only eligible for reemployment under a temporary appointment in accordance with the provisions of ST/AI/2010/4/Rev.1.

I joined before 1 January 1990/2014 and will reach 60/62 years old on or before 31 December 2017, will my mandatory age of separation (MAS) change to 65 if my contract is extended beyond 31 December 2017?

Staff members who have reached the mandatory age of separation on or before 31 December 2017 and are exceptionally retained in service beyond their mandatory age of separation will not have their MAS changed to 65. Their MAS will remain the same (60/62 years). At the end of the exceptional extension beyond retirement, they will be separated.