Second week As you finish your second week in your new post, this is a good time to continue to get to know your colleagues and what they do. Perhaps you can send an invitation to meet one or more this week for a “coffee chat” or lunch (virtually, if need be)? Also, we suggest here several resources and learning opportunities that can help you with your work. Explore resources for communicating in a gender-inclusive way in the six official languages of the Organization. Staff: Complete this course: I know Gender: An Introduction to Gender Equality. This course aims to develop and strengthen awareness and understanding of gender equality. Please enroll in course LMS-2375 in Inspira (after logging in, click on Self Service and My Learning to reach the catalog). See the "Manage your learning in Inspira" page on the HR Portal for details on how to enroll in a course in Inspira. The Life Insurance plan for UN staff is administered by The Hartford. Complete all the forms relevant to you in the Form section on the bottom of the page and submit.
Important deadline! This online training forms part of the Mission-Specific Induction Training for UN Peacekeeping personnel, explores transmission and prevention of HIV, treatment and support in missions and handling of stigma related to HIV and AIDS.
Please enroll in course LMS-2358 in Inspira (after logging in, click on Self Service and My Learning to reach the catalog). See the "Manage your learning in Inspira" page on the HR Portal for details on how to enroll in a course in Inspira. High-quality, low-cost language and communication skills training is available in any of the official UN languages as explained on the Language Learning page on the HR Portal.
With a UN e-mail account, you can get free access to over 40 self-paced learning modules, materials and resources to support UN leaders and managers with everyday tasks and responsibilities, and challenges as they arise. 1. Sign up for your free access 2. Learn more about the Blue Line To learn more about the wider work of the UN Secretariat, watch these short introductory videos:
Don’t miss this deadline! See below to see how it applies to you. As noted on the UN Heath and Life Insurance website, all staff in the US or planning to seek care in the US frequently have one dental plan and two medical coverage options that ought to be reviewed carefully before making a selection:
Internationally recruited staff outside the US can opt for medical and dental coverage with the UN Worldwide Plan Locally recruited staff outside the US are automatically enrolled in UN MIP and may decide to enroll eligible family members now. Enrollment in UN MIP is mandatory for staff and provides medical and dental coverage.