Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be granted a continuing appointment if I meet all the criteria and I am found to be eligible?

The review of eligibility is Phase I of the process. If the number of continuing appointments to be awarded under a given post envelope is larger than the number of eligible staff members then those staff members recommended to be granted continuing appointments will be assessed by OHR to ensure that they continue to meet the following criteria during the entire review period:

(a) have performance rating of at least “Meets expectations” or equivalent

English translation unavailable for If I meet the relevant eligibility criteria, can I apply to both G to P and G to N?.
English translation unavailable for I will be 33 years old on 31 December of the year of the examination. Can I apply? .
English translation unavailable for What is a job family and which job families are included in the YPP examination?.
English translation unavailable for How often are YPP examinations held? .

Now that R&R for peacekeeping and special political missions are harmonized with the rest of the UN common system, how is it decided which duty stations will have R&R (and what the cycle will be)? ...

Now that R&R for peacekeeping and special political missions are harmonized with the rest of the UN common system, how is it decided which duty stations will have R&R (and what the cycle will be)? Will missions still be able to send in their recommendation? 

What if I have a temporary appointment in between two fixed-term appointments, would the period on temporary appointment be treated as continuous?

The period of service on a temporary appointment would constitute a break in the continuity of service under a fixed-term appointment, therefore your overall period of service would not be considered continuous. The period of service under a temporary appointment would not count towards the five-years of qualifying service. And the count of qualifying years of service would start counting from the date of your second fixed-term appointment, posterior to the period on temporary appointment.