What kind of training materials are available for e-Performance?

The following training tools have been developed to meet the needs of different learning styles.
• e-Performance Quick Guide: A three-page reference tool with step-by-step instructions for each phase of the process. This guide will address the needs of most users who need minimal guidance.
• e-Performance Handbook: A comprehensive 33-page manual with step-by-step instructions, screenshots, navigation tips, process overview and guidelines for all actions. This guide will address the needs of novice users as well as more experienced ones.
• e-Performance Videos: Eight interactive videos on each step of the process. These videos have been broken down by role and activity (e.g. Second Reporting Officer Approves Evaluation). Each video contains engaging audio and ‘see-it’ and ‘try-it’ interactions. Easy access and succinct messages between 2 and 5 minutes in length make this resource practical and convenient for all staff.
• Power Point Presentation: Used to train PM focal points, this provides a general overview of the process and highlights of key learning points.
• Recorded WebEx sessions: On-line training sessions have been conducted for all focal points. These 1 ½ hour workshops have been recorded for your convenience.