Frequently Asked Questions

French translation unavailable for I joined the organization on or after 1 January 2014. What will be considered to be my early retirement date? .
French translation unavailable for I was entitled to retire at 60/62 prior to the introduction of the new ‘MAS’ (mandatory age of separation). Will this change in ‘MAS’ affect the age that I can claim an early retirement from the fund and if so, how?.
French translation unavailable for I joined before 1 January 1990/2014. If I exercise my right to retire before the age of 65, will it be considered as early retirement? .
French translation unavailable for I joined before 1 January 1990/2014 and will reach 60/62 years old on or after 1 January 2018. What do I need to do if I want to leave before reaching 65 years of age and can this right be exercised any time after 1 January 2018?.
French translation unavailable for My fixed-term appointment was due to expire on reaching mandatory retirement age at 60/62. Now that my mandatory retirement age has been extended, what should i expect?.
French translation unavailable for I joined before 1 January 21990/2014 and will reach 60/62 years old after 1 January 2018, do I need to take any action?.
French translation unavailable for What are the differences between the mandatory age of separation (MAS) and the normal retirement age (NRA)?.
French translation unavailable for What is the normal retirement age (NRA)?.
French translation unavailable for What are my rights as a staff member under the new mandatory age of separation (MAS)?.
French translation unavailable for What is the mandatory age of separation (MAS)?.