


You will find below useful templates to help you conclude your investigation. You will have been provided a password to open up these templates as part of your training but if not or if you have forgotten the password, please contact the Administrative Law Division

Investigations: Initial Actions

01.01 Document Register (English)
01.02 Initial Notice to Subject (English)
01.03 Investigation Panel Work Plan (English)
01.04 Head of Entity to Panel - Establishing Panel (TORs) (English)



02.01 Audio Recorded Interview - Subject  (French / English)
02.02 Observer’s Pre-interview information sheet  (French / English)
02.03 Record of Questions and Answers for Subject  (French / English)
02.04 Subject pre-interview information sheet  (French / English)
02.05 Audio Recorded Interview - Witness   (French / English)
02.06 Record of Questions and Answers for Witness  (French / English)
02.07 Witness pre-interview information sheet  (French / English)
02.08 Interview plan (English)
02.09 Interview note form (English)


Retrieval of Resources


ICT Confidentiality Undertaking

03.02 Note to the file ICT retrieval authorisation request (sets out the panel’s reasoning for the request) (English)
03.03 ICT Data Request Form (sets out what data is being requested) (English)
03.04 Memo Notice of ICT Retrieval  (formal memo to Responsible Official) (English)
03.05 Memo Request for ICT Services (English)


 General Documents

04.01 General Note to Case File (English)
04.02 Declaration of Confidentiality (English)
04.03 Receipt of Document  (English)
04.04 Chain of Custody form  (English)



05.01 Report Writing Checklist (English)
05.02 Report Writing Guide (English)
05.03 Prohibited Conduct: Panel Report Template (English)


The templates can also be accessed here.