Will there be a certain number of seats available for each Department or Mission?

As this is a global exercise, individual departments, office, missions, etc., will not be allotted a given number of seats. The number of continuing appointments granted each year, if any, will depend on the level of the relevant post envelope. There will be two global post envelopes; one for the Professional and higher categories and Field Service category; and one for the General Service and related categories, including but not limited to Trades and Crafts, Language Teachers and Security Service category. 


Staff members who are eligible for consideration for the granting of a continuing appointment shall be allocated points and ranked, according to the number of points accumulated. The ranking is done on a Secretariat-wide basis (not by individual Office, Department or Mission) and undertaken only when the cumulative number of staff members with a permanent or continuing appointment is not equal to or exceeding the established level of the relevant post envelope. Staff members who are awarded the same number of points shall be ranked on the basis of length of continuous service. Continuing appointments shall be granted to the top-ranking staff members subject to the availability of appointments within the relevant post envelope.