Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Five things to know about the new policy on unsatisfactory conduct, investigations, and the disciplinary process
On 26 October 2017, the Department of Management issued the Organization’s revised policy on unsatisfactory conduct, investigations, and the disciplinary process (ST/AI/2017/1). The policy updates the procedures for addressing unsatisfactory conduct within the Organization and was developed in consultation with staff and other relevant stakeholders.
Here are five things you need to know about the revised policy:
- It provides guidance on how to make a report of possible misconduct, including who to inform and what information to provide.
- It stresses the importance of involving the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) at the earliest opportunity so they can assess reports of possible misconduct.
- It reiterates a staff members’ obligation to report misconduct and cooperate with investigations. It clarifies that staff members who are the subject of an investigation are to be informed in writing of the nature of the alleged unsatisfactory conduct prior to an interview with investigators and introduces a provision for such staff members to be accompanied by an observer during an interview with investigators.
- It updates provisions on the placement of staff on administrative leave with or without pay. For example, staff members placed on administrative leave without pay after allegations come to light will now retain some entitlements and benefits until the completion of the disciplinary process.
- It applies to matters which become the subject of an investigation on or after 26 October 2017, in accordance with the transitional measures.