The 2012 dependency benefits review has launched through inspira

The 2012 dependency review has just begun through the inspira platform. The deadline for completion of this review is 15 November 2013.

How should I complete the online dependency benefits review?

Please follow the instructions shown below:

  1. Go to
  2. If you have previously registered in inspira, use the same user ID (your Index Number) and password. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the prompts.
    If you cannot access inspira with your Index Number and password, click here and then follow steps three and four below.
  3. Once logged in to inspira, click on “Main Menu” “Self Service” “Benefits” “Dependents and Beneficiaries” “My Dependency”
  4. Click on the required year to complete your review.

Please note that failure to complete your review by the deadline will result in the discontinuation and recovery of your dependency benefits. Non-compliance may also affect the continuation of other benefits such as medical insurance coverage and home leave travel. Your earliest possible review of your records through inspira is strongly encouraged.

Staff based in New York and in field missions can access the e-dependency benefit form through inspira. Staff members located at Offices Away from Headquarters, who are administered by UNHQ (United Nations Information Centres, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, field missions and project personnel administered by DESA and at Headquarters), must contact their local human resources focal point for information on how to complete the review.

Information related to your dependants has to be accurate before the migration of this data to the Umoja platform, through which dependency benefit reviews will be conducted in the future.

Do I need to keep the original documentation I submit for the review?

All eligible staff members are required to retain the original documentation submitted as part of each annual review for five years, as this may be necessary for audit/monitoring purposes. Failure to provide this information will result in the funds being recovered.

You can also refer to the Dependency Review User Guide in the Manuals Section in inspira for help completing your application as well as ST/IC/2013/26, for further information.

Need help?

Please contact your local Human Resources office for assistance related to dependency matters. If you are a staff member based in New York and need assistance, you may contact the hotline at extension 3-4544 during working hours or visit the OHRM Dependency Review Task Force in FF-640, 304 East 45th Street. You can also stop by to complete your review or hand deliver the required documentation.

If you require any technical assistance when completing your review, please click on the Contact us link located in the top right of the inspira screen.