
I joined before 1 January 1990/2014 and will reach 60/62 years old on or after 1 January 2018. What do I need to do if I want to leave before reaching 65 years of age and can this right be exercised any time after 1 January 2018?

Staff members who wish to leave before reaching 65 years old are required, at a minimum, to provide employing organizations a written notice period of:

  • one month for fixed term appointments (FTA)
  • three months for permanent or continuing appointment holders (PA/CA)

My fixed-term appointment was due to expire on reaching mandatory retirement age at 60/62. Now that my mandatory retirement age has been extended, what should i expect?

Now that the mandatory retirement age has been extended to 65 for all staff, there is no longer a requirement for you to cease employment with the Organization at age 60/62. Your renewal/extension may be approved subject to meeting other conditions for renewal/extension specified in ST/AI/2013/1

What is the mandatory age of separation (MAS)?

The mandatory age of separation (MAS) is the age at which staff members must be separated from the service of their employing UN organization as set by its Staff Regulations.

The General Assembly (GA) decided in the main part of its 72nd session to operationalized its decision in its 70th session (A/RES/70/244) to reset the MAS for all staff members to 65 years of age, effective 1 January 2018.