French translation unavailable for Determining eligibility under ST/AI/2006/3/Rev1 - Staff Selection System.
French translation unavailable for Evaluation and selection guidelines for action by programme case officers and heads of department - Staff Selection System.
French translation unavailable for Relocation grant (October 2007).
French translation unavailable for Relocation grant (January 2007).
French translation unavailable for Movement of mission staff to higher level posts (interim guidelines).
French translation unavailable for Implementation of General Assembly resolution 58/270 Daily subsistence allowance – suspension of recruitment for GS posts.
French translation unavailable for Project-related (former 200 series) recruitment process.
French translation unavailable for Consultants, individual contractors, interns and gratis personnel eligibility to apply for or to be appointed to posts.
French translation unavailable for Managers’ Guide to Appendix D and the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims (ABCC): Claims for service-incurred injury, illness or death.
French translation unavailable for Staff Selection System - Guidelines for Programme case officers on building vacancy announcements and evaluation criteria under ST/AI/2006/3/Rev1 .