Self-care and resilience



How do you respond when faced with challenges or stress? Do you think you have good coping skills to handle those situations, or do you see some room for improvement? 

Resilience has been defined as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences”[1].

  • A Resilient Personality involves a personality characteristic that moderates the negative effects of stress and promotes adaptation, including[2]:
    • Self-esteem, self-confidence, curiosity, control over the environment, satisfying interpersonal relationships, a repertoire of problem-solving skills.
  • They show more adaptive behaviors in the areas of social functioning, morale and somatic health.
  • Positive (protective) attributes[3]:
    • humour & optimism
    • cognitive flexibility (cognitive reappraisal and acceptance),
    • spirituality (religion, spirituality, and altruism)
    • meaning and purpose in life,
    • neuroendocrine factors,
    • social  support,
    • active coping style.
  • Gratitude may be protective against the development of PTSD




[1] American Psychological Association

[2] Prof. Ulrich Schnyder, M.D.

[3] Southwick, Vythilingham et al., 2005; McCullogh et al., 2002; Casada & Roache, 2005; Guyer et al., 2006; Haglund et al., 2007.